Friday, May 3, 2013


Today's post is brought to you
by the letter 'C'

Some of you may know that I am bilingual. Spanish is my first language. I am still fluent and I  would say that I am very comfortable talking to most people in either language. But when something happens and expletives are the only way I want to express myself, it is always in English. 

I'm not comfortable cursing in Spanish, and I never have been. 

I never really tried it growing up, and it just feels unnatural. 

There are so many great words too. My favorite expression I think is Chinga tu Madre, it's basically Motherfucker. Literally translated though it's Fuck your mother. I have never found a reason to use it. The phrase has never really crossed my lips in anger or in jest.

But I have sung it.


  1. LOL, isn't it funny what we'll say while singing a song that we wouldn't say in normal conversation?

    1. Yes! Even funnier is the ease in which the lyrics are sung.

  2. You know I was raised in Arizona. So I'm familiar with the Spanish Swears. Chinga tu Madre is my fave! I do say it. All the time.

    -The Insomniacs Dream

    1. I believe it. I have this theory, that the more someone curses in Spanish with ease (if they are not Latinos) the less racist they probably are. :)

  3. Love that song! But it was definitely something I couldn't listen to at home! I love saying "chingate"

    1. My parents didn't censor our music, just made disapproving comments. "Chingate" has a nice ring to it ;)
