Thursday, May 23, 2013



This theme has been kicking my ass. I really just didn't know where to begin. I feel like I've been a little heavy lately, and was hoping for something fun.

No such luck. where I get all my dictionary needs met, now that my phone is rarely not in my hand, defines Evil like this: (adjective) 1. morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life. Or (noun) 7. the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin.

The first definition, is going a little easy I think. Like evil light. I guess it is accurate.

When I was in my late teens/early twenties, I used that word a lot. In stories. Stories about my life, people I met, things I did. That were bad, wicked or immoral.

I can see how people that think it is morally wrong, bad or wicked to breastfeed in public could say it's evil. Where I see a woman nurturing her child, something natural and beautiful. They see titties, it's vulgar. Evil.

As an adult. I see evil as a noun. Why does it happen? The hubby says, because man is inherently evil. I used to hate when he said this. I think people are inherently good, and it is life that sows the seeds of evil.

Does it exist? Most definitely. Just turn on the news, any fucking day of the week. Kidnap victims, gun men, teachers that molest children, people all over the world starving, bombings, rapes, schools that are failing, I could literally go on and on. But I just don't want to. I don't want to think about it. I don't want to know about it. I want to wish it away. I want to protect Animal from it. Does it exist because I, we, don't stand up and stop it. Does it exist because the hubby is right (again) and man is just evil.


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  1. It's the "why" that I have questioned all my life.

    1. Me too. We'll probably never get the answer...

  2. I am the same way. I used to be so up on the news and could tell you what was going on any minute of the day. Now I just shut it off, b/c it's all awful. Does it make me more ignorant to the goings-on of the world? Yes. But do I sleep a little bit better b/c I didn't hear another terrible story about one human mistreating another? Yes, I do. Thank God we have bloggers and social media because we can share the good stuff, too. Great post--it's really one that will make your readers think!

    1. Thanx. Me too, after my son was born, we pretty much went down to one news cast a day...I'm not proud of that, but I sleep better too. I love social media/blogs because they make me smile, and sometimes they inform me...

  3. Unfortunately I think that we have plenty of examples of evil these days with all of the cold blooded killings we have seen this past year. :-(

  4. The question about "man" being inherently evil or not is a question that has been debated for as long as people could be aware of the concept of evil. I took a couple philosophy classes in college (as required by the political science minor) and all the old guys were arguing over this to the day they died.

    My middle of the road, riding the fence, personal opinion is that people are not inherently evil, but they ARE inherently self-interested. Some people will do whatever it takes to pursue things that are in their own self-interest. Also, the definition of "self-interest" is ambiguous. Someone who only wants to feel good about themselves may be a serial do-gooder because *that* is in their own self-interest. (they also may brag about it all the time, but is that evil?)

    Some people only focus on their base self-interests: clothing, food, shelter - and will work hard, or steal, to procure those things.

    Sometimes self-interest bleeding into seeking power. THIS might be where evil takes over most often. A very interesting conversation to have, and yet another reason I wish we lived closer IRL. :-) Can you imagine how we could hash this out over a couple bottles of Crispin??

    1. My heart hurt thinking how much we'd have! I Love philosophy, but can't read all those books. too deep for me. I only made it through one philosophy class ;)

    2. I made it through 3, but I had to take one twice.

    3. That is still amazing. I am honestly really into it, and can barely make it through a book!

    4. I do believe one person actually made a comment in class to the tune of, "man, that is some deep shit." and we all laughed. It's all in how the material is presented, interpreted and shared.

  5. I'm like you--I want to believe that people are inherently good and that life sows the seeds...somedays that's harder than others.

  6. This topic kicked my ass too...took me over 2 hours last night to write my post because it was hard to decide what part of evil to focus on to prevent writing a 10000 page thesis.

    I think everyone has the potential to be evil and I agree that things like power can completely corrupt a person's moral code, allowing them to behave in a manner they normally might not, if they didn't have that power to begin with.

  7. When Tiny Bard was born, I held him and breast fed him in a hospital bed while I watched the aftermath of 9-11 on the television.

    I had this brand new life in my arms, and so many others had lost so much.

    I knew then, life was unfair. Unfair. There is no why. You can't make sense of it.

    I tend to agree with your husband. We are inherently evil.

    -The Insomniacs Dream

    1. It really isn't. Even though I hate to admit it more and more I think the hubby is right. And I hate that!

  8. I believe/believed that people are born good, that we get this clean slate and we start from scratch. But its harder to believe. Maybe I watch too much television, maybe I was on way too much...I just don't know.

    1. Yeah, the older I get the harder it is to keep believing that

    2. We're animals. We're neither good nor evil.

      Ooooh I hate this topic. It makes me so sad. Sad... and like I want to give up.

    3. Me too, I didn't enjoy thinking about this one. It's depressing :(

  9. I hope man isn't inherently evil, although I find it hard to believe lately- so many horrible, evil things happening...

  10. I am like you. I can't watch the news because I really just can't bear to hear one more thing! But sometimes it's turning the blind eye that is the problem.

    1. It's definitely a fine line, and sometimes I feel guilty. But we used to watch 3-4 hrs of news/political shows M-F. I just can't do that anymore. now we watch 30 min-1 hr tops.

  11. I think you are so right. No matter what it is or why it is...ultimately I want to protect my boys from it and it is my instinctive nature to do so. Bottom line!

    1. Soon he'll be hold enough to ask questions, I'm just not ready to answer. Or to have him fearful. I'll do the worrying for now.
