Thursday, March 28, 2013

TT Sixteen Candles

This weeks topic, write a letter to your 16 year old self! Jen herself is gonna deliver these letters in her time machine, I wonder if it's a Delorean ala Doc Brown or she has a hot tub time machine. Anyway, I was a little wary of this topic because like Emmett Brown told us in Back to the Future:

Dr. Emmett Brown: No! Marty! We've already agreed that having information about the future can be extremely dangerous. Even if your intentions are good, it can backfire drastically!

Being that I'm very loyal to Theme Thursdays, I had to try. Here goes...

Dear 16 year old me,

This is going to come as a big shock, so I suggest you sit down. I'm writing you this letter 19 years from now, you just turned 35, today. I know you thought surely you would be dead at this decrepit old age, but I assure you, you are very much alive.

I don't want to tell you too much about what your future holds or how much we change or how much we stay the same. I do however want you to know that overall you have done well. We are a decent woman, we haven't done too many stupid things, and we have been rather lucky that some questionable choices have turned out not so bad.

I want you (me) to trust yourself, trust your instincts. Go for it, you'll rarely regret the things you do, but you'll always regret the things you don't do. Especially when it comes to making you better or pursuing your dreams. Think about your future, think about it now, before you know it, you might be 52 at your sons high school graduation. Maybe. Get ready for it. 

I'm sorry if you found this letter too vague. Life is full of ups and downs, and while I would love to warn you and help you (and by you I mean me) avoid the downs, I don't want to ruin the authenticity and surprise of the the good. 

Honestly I'm afraid if you "avoid" any of the bad, or make "smarter" choices here and there you(I) might miss out on my life now, and while not "perfect" I wouldn't want to change our life today.

Enjoy your life. Remember trust yourself.

Sincerely, Old you

This post is part of a multi blogger collaboration, to read others letters to their young selves or to add your own letter click the TT button.


  1. Ha, you and The Sadder But Wiser Girl both wen t crazy with the movie references this week!

  2. We probably learned all we needed to know about time travel at the movie theater...

  3. You want to borrow my letter from Marty? Oh my we are too funny with our Back to the Future references! And 16 Candles is one of my all time favorite movies. Oh I'm so a child of the 80s. :-D

    1. I should have thought of that! loved it! 80's movies rocked ;)

  4. I love that we both were against telling our younger selves too much info.

    1. Me too, imperfect and hard as life maybe, my family means too much to me to risk it...

  5. Thanx, I think it's likely true for most of us...

  6. "Honestly I'm afraid if you "avoid" any of the bad, or make "smarter" choices here and there you(I) might miss out on my life now" - SO TRUE! Sometimes (or most of the time) its those experiences that lead us to the people we are today!

    1. Exactly! plus what if I hadn't married the hubby, or had Animal? I wouldn't want to know that life...

  7. I love this!
    I went ahead and told myself a few things, but nothing (I hope) that would alter my life as I know it now. I don't know what I'd do without the bad choices that led me to having the three amazing children (and friends) that I have now. I seriously don't know what I'd do without them.
    Go crazy(er)?

    1. Yeah, making "smarter" choices for sure would alter the family I have now, and I just couldn't not have this :) Guess that's something good we both have in common.
